
The constant goal of Palaz Group is to move more and more towards creating and developing a beautiful world for loyal consumers.

If you are also looking to apply personal knowledge and experience to the goals of Palaz Industrial Group. We look forward to seeing you in a different work environment.

    Name: *

    Last Name: *

    National code: *

    City Of Birthdate: *

    Birthdate Year: *

    Gender: * MaleFemale

    Marital Status: * MarriedSingle

    Military Service Situation: * BailExemptionEnd of service


    Home Phone Number: *

    Mobile Number: *

    Email Address: *

    Degrre: DiplomaAssociateBachelorMasterPhd *

    Jobs requested: *


    Work Experience:

    CV: *

    Personal Photo: *

      Name: *

      Lastname: *

      Birthday Year: *

      Birthday City: *

      * MaleFemale Gender:

      * MarriageSingle Marital Status:


      Phone Number: *

      Email ID: *

      رشته تحصیلی : (محل فعالیت در تهران است) *

      : زمینه کاری مورد علاقه *

      * دیپلملیسانسفوق لیسانسدکترا : مقطع تحصیلی

      : سابقه کاری

      : سایر توضیحات

      : عکس پرسنلی *

      : رزومه *

      : عنوان شغلی